Discover your soft, smooth faceThe truth is that millions of women are embarassed to because they are coping with unsightly facial hair rather than the silky smooth skin they desire. On the other hand, some woman have taken such painstaking measures to consistently conceal facial hair, that even their significant other or closest friend remains unaware. They tweeze, shave, bleach or wax on a regular basis, only to cause the hair to grow in stronger and darker than before. Additionally, there is a great deal of skin irritation, and often permanent damage being caused by these repetitive methods. |
Laser is the greatest weapon against facial hairLaser Facial Hair Removal in women is our number one most popular procedure at Ideal Image. With facial hair removal, the most popular treatments are for chin hair removal and removal of hair on the upper lip. Laser Facial Hair Removal is Ideal Image's #1 requested treatment area for good reason. It is fast, easy and more comfortable than other methods like waxing or electrolysis. This is a perfect lunchtime procedure that can take as short as 10 minutes per treatment. Ideal Image can treat any area of your face from sideburns to upper lip and full chin. The best part is you do not need to grow out the hair for effective treatment. This has always been a negative with other methods, but not with Ideal Image Laser Hair Removal! Plus, our staff is sensitive to your needs and discreet with regard to the confidentiality of your concerns and privacy of all guest information. Although your complete treatment will require standard multiple visits, generally, after the very first treatment you will notice a significant difference as a portion of your hair will be permanently removed. Even after your first treatment you will feel that your life is changed and you are closer than ever to the smooth, silky skin you desire. Worried because you have darker skin? Ideal Image does not subscribe to the one size fits all philosophy. Instead, we offer customized treatments with different FDA approved lasers for different skin tones to ensure optimal results.Moreover, the laser hair removal procedures at Ideal Image not only remove hair above the skin, but additionally makes sure you no longer see the dark hairs beneath the skin's surface, sometimes known as the five o' clock shadow. |
What happens to facial hair as we age?Female facial hair tends to worsen with age. This is because as a woman's skin ages, many facial hairs convert from the essentially invisible type (vellus hairs) which generally cover our face naturally, to the larger, more obtrusive terminal hairs. This is often seen on men as well, especially on their ears.Thus, as hair thickens over the years, more hairs become cosmetically problematic and may require laser treatment. |
What about Men's Facial Hair?And guys, if you are tired of taking the time to shave every morning so that you look smooth and professional at work, let Ideal Image help you achieve the groomed appearance youve always wanted. In addition to eliminating the need for further shaving, this will prevent irritation and the development of pseudo-folliculitis the name medical experts give to painful, inflammed razor bumps so commonly experienced by the male population. |
Other facial hair removal methods (for information only, Ideal Image does not offer):Depilatory creams: These creams work by dissolving hair at the base of the follicle. They are better suited for widespread and less sensitive areas like the legs, but can be problematic when used on the face because they irritate the skin and often don't remove all of the hair. The only real upside of depilatory creams are that they are relatively inexpensive. However, on the average, results will last for one to two weeks before one needs to repeat the procedure. Still in the long run, the laser facial hair removal procedure is more cost effective as well as permanent.Electrolysis: This procedure uses low-level electricity to disable, or render the hair follicles inactive. On the plus side, results last longer than with waxing and depilatories, but the process is time consuming, costly and many say painful due to the hair by hair removal process. Often, it takes years of repetitive treatment and a great deal of expense to achieve the desired result. Finding a reputable practitioner is a little scary because electrolysis, when performed incorrectly, can cause scarring. If you do opt for electrolysis treatment, make sure your practioner uses a new needle for each session. Remember, at Ideal Image we only perform hair removal with laser. |
Tweezing: Some women choose to tweeze unwanted hairs, but this isn't an ideal solution because repeated plucking can cause irritation of the hair follicle. On darker-skinned women, tweezing may result in scarring. Also, hair will grow back thicker and stiffer once it's plucked. Unless you have just a few stray hairs that occasionally pop up, avoid tweezing or plucking unwanted hair. Waxing: This has been one of the most popular solutions for hair removal. Generally, it's an effective method to remove hair on the upper lip and fine vellus hair on the sides of the face, but it's not recommended for the chin area where hair tends to be more coarse. Waxing may also be problematic for darker-skinned women, who sometimes experience discoloration due to irritation and inflammation. Depending on your hair type, waxing results only last from two to six weeks and often require you to grow out the unsightly hair in between treatments. |
Due to the advanced laser technology at Ideal Image, you will not have to grow your hair out prior to laser hair removal. This is especially important to women who absolutely do not want to be seen with hair on their face in order to receive treatment. |
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This blog on unwanted facial hair removal through laser method is impressive for facial Hair removal for women. Not only it is useful but also very informative. Thanks for your nice blogging spirit.
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