It's been a while since the last laser update, but to tell you the truth, I'm bored with it. I'm still shaving, so the hair has not disappeared like I thought it would have by now after three laser treatments. Yes, it's thinner, but still persistent. There really aren't any more details to report, other than for my third laser appointment, it's possible that the esthetician and I talked too much, because my appointment ran over, and another esthetician came in to ready the room for a VIP client (aka jerky-man-client-who-is-a-jerk-if-has-to-wait). Yes, she barged in to prepare paperwork and such, which means that I was severely intruded upon during my appointment. I was upset and called the very next day to complain. I considered not including it here on the blog, but a bloggerette has to be honest, doesn't she?
So for my next laser appointment, the appointment to finish the lasering of the last appointment, I of course had the esthetician who barged in on my previous appointment. She asked how I was, and I couldn't resist a passive-aggressive, snippy comment like "I'm fine, unless someone is going to barge in on my appointment again." She looked at me quizzically, and we proceeded to the room. It was uneventful from there, meaning the gross laser jell was still cold and gross, and we actually had fun chatting while I leafed through an Bazaar magazine, imagining how I could make a dress out of raw silk rosettes like what was on the cover. The red bumps that usually happen after a laser treatment really aren't coming. We lasered me on the highest level, and still I wait.
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